
HYSEA ESG Catalyst Event

What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

With Mr. KTR


Leading Through Crisis

In this video, I  spoke about the role of leadership to thrive through an impending recession at the Calway Connect conference. 

  • What do good leaders do well in a crisis?
  • Does a crisis make a leader or reveal a leader? 
  • Practical ways to maneuver through times of difficulty and diversity

Laws of Growth

This talk is based on the book 15 invaluable laws of growth Written by John C Maxwell. In this video, I have discussed 3 out of 15 laws namely the Law of Intentionality, Law of consistency, the law of the environment. These laws have helped me do more, be more, and become more at work and in life.


Opening ceremony of Kagool Data new center in Hyderabad

Growth Strategies for Work & Life 

One thing that all of us desire and want for all areas of our lives is growth. All of us aspire to grow and become better at who we are in our personal, family, spiritual or professional lives. As the word says let us forget what lies behind us and press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called us.

Thanks to Entheon Equip, Hyderabad for inviting me to to share my insights. 


PODCAST || The Excel Series || NLAG!!

Stories tell us who we are, and each one of us has a story to tell. Generally, when I meet people for the first time, I ask them to share their stories – who they are and where they’re from, where they’ve been and where they’re going. It helps me understand their values, beliefs, and what matters to them and bridges the gap between us.
No matter what plot each of our stories has, we all want one thing deep down. We want our lives to matter and we should be a blessing to many. We want our stories to be of significance. I thank GOD for heading my story in the right direction, and I believe my best is yet to come. My journey has taught me that life will take us in the most unexpected ways when our mind is open and willing to grow daily.
After 20+ years of corporate experience, there is nothing legendary or historical about my professional career compared to many proven leaders in the industry. However, looking back at my humble beginnings, rural background, lack of access to quality education, I believe GOD has helped me accomplish something reasonably well. I am still working on fulfilling my potential by adding value to people in my personal and professional life.
Thanks to New Life Assembly of God Church, Hyderabad – Secunderabad for inviting me to ” The Excel Series” and sharing my story.

COVID Vaccination Drive @ HICC

Curtain Raiser of HYSEA Business Summit 2021 Second Edition

2nd Edition – 2021 HYSEA BIZSUMMIT

Atomic Habits MasterClass

Date: 22 Jan 2021 – 3:30 PM IST

I have taken ten days’ vacation during the 2020 Christmas break. And at the same time, I have received the Atomic Habits book from a secret Santa in my office. This book was on my to-do list for a very long time. It might be because of Internet pressure or because I have read many reviews about this book over the last year.  I went ahead and studied the book and was blown away by the wisdom, tips, and tricks provided in the book by the world’s renowned habits expert James Clear. It is his first book, and he sold more than three million copies within the first year of releasing the book.

Five Big Ideas

1. Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. – 1% tiny improvement every day. 

2. If you want better results, then forget about setting goals. Focus on your system instead. – Goals Vs. Systems. 

3. The most effective way to change your habits is to focus not on what you want to achieve but on who you wish to become. – Outcome-based habit Vs. Identity-based habit.

4. Priming your environment will help you shape your good habits quickly and break your bad habits.

5. The 4 laws of behavior change is a simple set of rules we can use to build better habits. They are (a) make it obvious, (b) make it attractive, (c) make it easy, and (d) make it satisfying.

Rising To The Challenge | CEOTalk Hyderabad

A virtual round table conference!
Date: 06 Jan 2021 – 3:00 PM IST

Participated as a Panel speaker for DOBig Forum in association with the talk.

Don’t Coast Series – PEOPLE

Personal or professional growth doesn’t happen on its own. We don’t improve by simply living or coasting. We have to be super intentional about our growth in life. And the sooner we make the transition to becoming intentional about our growth, the better it will be for an individual.

If you haven’t learned how to get along with people, you will always be fighting to succeed. In other words, You can’t have professional growth unless you learn how to deal with people. People skills will take you farther than any other skill you develop.

In this talk, Mr. Kishore Borra & Jomsy Rohit Philips discussed one of the 4Ps from the book ‘, namely, to accelerate professional growth.


Developing The Leader Within You !!

I had the opportunity to deliver a talk on ” ” for IconTalks. During this talk, I have focussed on explaining 2 things.

  • Leadership is influence, always has been and always will be.
  • Leadership is always an ongoing learning and growing process from one level to the next level.

How To Choose Right Company To Further Your Career !!

The greatest value in life is not in what you get; the greatest value in life is what you become !! When you are looking for a career change before joining any new organization; don’t ask what am I getting here? Ask what am I becoming here? It’s not what you get that makes you valuable; Its what you become that makes you valuable. True happiness is not contained in what you get; instead, it is contained in what you become. We cannot become what we need by remaining where we are. Don’t join an easy crowd you won’t grow; go where the expectations are high; go where the demands are high; go where the pressure is ON to perform, to change, to develop, to read, to study. and to possess new skills. Be wise enough to choose your new workplace, because it should really help you to become who you want to be in life.


Learn to trust the process

We should learn to value or trust the process more than the event. I am sure you will agree when I say growth happens daily and not in a day. Are you thinking that reading a book or listening to a motivational speaker would create miracles in your life? Of course, the answer is no. Never overestimate the importance of an event and underestimate the power of process. Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing. You might get the inspiration to start the process by attending an event. But, the process is ongoing learning which takes consistent, deliberate effort to grow each day. In other words, the process is more important than the event for a growth conscious mindset. Therefore attending an event or motivational talk or reading a book should only be considered as a triggering point to learn a new habit or skill and what you do daily to hone that skill is what matters ultimately.

The Danger of Coasting

In this video, I have explained about the dangers of coasting in life.

Sometimes I ask my friends how are things going on and how has the year treated them? I often come across answers such as this has been an easy year; everything seems to be flowing so well. Immediately, I know that they are in real trouble because if you are flowing and if it is easy, you might be going downhill. After all, you can’t coast uphill. According to Paul Harvey, “You can tell when you’re on the road to success, it’s uphill all the way.” We only live once so better be careful not to coast through life. It is sad to see that for most people, life is on autopilot. People are not conscious of the way they live life. They wake up after going through a traumatic experience or a crisis and start complaining that life is short. You know what, life is not short; we start late.

Life is a fight for territory. Every thought you think, every action you take, every emotion you feel, is either moving you forward – towards a positive future that you envision for your life – or it’s moving you backwards – towards the present negative that is to a place of captivity.

I believe in you and I believe in your dream. Let’s start your growth journey today !!

Leadership Principles for Entrepreneurs

I had the opportunity to participate in Growth Cast 2020 and talk about Leadership Principles for Entrepreneurs.

Below are some of the topics discussed in this session:

  1. What is leadership?
  2. How can you become a leader by design?
  3. Everyone is important in the organization
  4. What are the Proven Leadership Strategies that worked well in my organization?
  5. Sometimes promotions are found to be the common cause of the workplace demotivation. How can we deal with them effectively?

National Power Summit Hyderabad

Participated in 2nd National Power Summit Hyderabad as a panel speaker conducted by eGov Magazine on Global collaborations for sustainable growth and progress of the energy sector along with various embassy representatives.

His Excellency Mohamed Maliki, Ambassador of His Majesty King of Morocco to the Republic of India William Hopkinson, First Secretary, British Deputy High Commission Mumbai & Acting Deputy High Commissioner Hyderabad Dr Adnan Altay Altinors and Consul General, Consulate General of Turkey, Hyderabad & PS Ananda Rao, Director – HR & Coordination ISA.