Institute for Strategic Leadership

As I stand on the threshold of new beginnings and set forth a roadmap for my personal and professional growth, I want to take a moment to reflect on the invaluable insights gained, having immersed myself in a week-long leadership training with actionable insights from the Institute for Strategic Leadership at Millbrook, Queenstown, New Zealand. I am just recovering from this transformational experience along with 20 other attendees from NZ Defence Forces, NZ Police, Hospice NZ, Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment NZ, UNICEF, and C-suite executives from NZ, Australia, and the UK.  There is so much to process and reflect on in the coming weeks. The journey to becoming the best version of ourselves is not without its challenges, but it is undoubtedly worth the effort. I wouldn’t have endured the week without the remarkable support provided by my syndicate, .

No other executive development program in New Zealand can boast such an illustrious roster, including a Governor-General, Prime Minister, 2 Mayors, the founding CEO of New Zealand’s largest company, 5 Chiefs of Defence, 2 Commissioners of Police, 3 Vice Chancellors, and several leading CEOs of large New Zealand enterprises making strides on the global stage. These programs stand unrivaled in New Zealand and have garnered comparisons to those offered by prestigious institutions like Harvard, Stanford, and INSEAD.

I am grateful and would like to thank the following people for supporting and sponsoring me in reassessing my leadership potential and what holds significance in my life.

Here are a few snapshots from this enriching experience.

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