Good Leaders Are Great Team Players

The test of leadership is not what you can do yourself but what you can do with and through others. Working together means winning together, and teamwork is at the heart of any great achievement.

One is too small a number to achieve greatness. No one person can bring everything to the table. We have to rely on the skillsets of those on our team! None of us is as smart or as strong as all of us. We are only as strong as our weakest team member. Our team is our greatest separator because we are only as good as our team.

While working as teams, we possess limitless possibilities, and we can do things that are far greater than each member of the team. Do you really want to know whether or not you are a great team player? Then try to answer the below questions yourself.

✅ Am I making my team members feel smaller or valued?
✅ Am I making others feel better than they really are by adding value, supporting, and encouraging them, or feel smaller and lose their confidence?
✅ Are my team members feeling that they are better because of me being around them than they are on their own?
✅ Am I a subtractor for my team or a multiplier who would enlarge the team?
✅ Am I competing with my team members or complementing them?
✅ Am I complimenting my team members or condescending them?
✅ Am I adding value to my team members before they add value to me?
✅ Am I serving my team members before they serve me?
✅ Am I believing in my team members before they believe in me?
✅ Am I judging them by who they are at this moment or looking at them as who they could become with little support, encouragement, and help?

There is a lot of difference between teammates and workmates. A team is not a group of people who work together. A team is a group of people who trust, respect, and help each other.



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